A logo reading Gini Wren stylized to look like a bird sitting on a branch

Latest Creations

Illustration of a ghost dog with the title 'No Need For Best'

No Need For Best

Apr 05, 2020

As the ghost of a dog, you’ve returned home after the cities have gone quiet. Can you find your best friend?

A game created with a team for a game jam.

Illustration of a penguin holding a fish on a frozen lake with the words 'Tip-Up'

Tip-Up Ice Fishing

February 9th 2020

How many fish can a penguin catch in a day out on the ice?

A game created with a team for a game jam.

Screenshot of randomly generated attributes of a monster

Monster Generator (for Monster of the Week)

A tool for randomly generating a monster for a Monster of the Week game, an action-horror table top role playing game flavored after episodic monster television shows.